How Safe is Living in Annapolis, MD?

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“Is living in Annapolis, MD a secure option ?” This should be the foremost question to think of if you have a plan of shifting to Annapolis. Undeniably, it has everything for historic buffs and nature and food lovers, including historic and architectural masterpieces, marine beauty, and high-end hotels and restaurants. The city has marked its name among rapidly developing cities in Maryland, attracting a large number of tourists worldwide. Annapolis is a safe city to visit and spend holidays exploring the top attractions. However, the situation is not that simple for the residents because spending your daily life in one city raises many challenges.

Safety is a crucial consideration when visiting or relocating to an entirely new city. In this article, we will undergo some evaluations about how safe it is to relocate and live in Annapolis, MD. Further, we will get an insight into the crime rates, safest neighborhoods, and overall living quality in this city.

Evaluating Crime Statistics in Annapolis, MD

Concluding the crime statistics from the recent report of FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting approach, Annapolis has exceeded the national average range by a small percentage (6.4%). The security profiles are under continuous fluctuations lately, depicting the success and challenges at the same time. Moreover, these crime incidents are divided into two categories, such as property and violent crimes. Robberies, murders, harassments, violence, and rapes fall under the violent crimes. However, burglaries and vehicle thefts are counted as prime crimes. Additionally, the property crimes in Annapolis are 0.6% lower than the national average range, while the violent crimes have surpassed 43.4% of the national average. After evaluating the overall crime statistic reports, Annapolis comes in between the highest and lowest crime rate cities. You can say that the crime rates in Annapolis match the national average, neither higher nor lower.

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Comprehensive Overview of Neighborhood Safety in Annapolis, MD

The quality of living and safety aspects in Annapolis vary with different towns and neighborhoods. Some places and residential areas are more secure and offer better security management than others, depending on community engagement. Moreover, each neighborhood has a different crime profile and offers a distinct living experience. For example, some residents occupying upscale areas enjoy better lifestyle and security, while others face crime challenges. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the crime statistics of a particular area and neighborhood before making a move to Annapolis

  • Downtown Annapolis is the most thriving and dynamic area, known for various historic landmarks, artwork, boutiques and shopping centers, and restaurants. This neighborhood is quite safe for tourists and visitors exploring the area during daytime. However, precautionary measures are essential when wandering around the streets at night, avoiding minor thefts. According to a crime statistics report, downtown Annapolis marks 18th percentile in safety ratings compared to other neighborhoods in Annapolis. Furthermore, Eastport has a reputation of mixed safety profile, such as some areas are more secure than others.
  • In addition, Annapolis neck and Bay Ridge are among the most safe and wealthy neighborhoods in Annapolis. Those families looking for high-end and safe residential areas, these neighborhoods are top-notch options. Besides, Murray Hill, walkable to downtown Annapolis, is quite a safe neighborhood with a family-friendly atmosphere. With a strong sense of community, West Annapolis is one of the most maintained and safe places to live in Annapolis. The crime rates at West Annapolis are fairly low, an appealing neighborhood for families with beautiful historic sites and lifestyle experience.
  • However, Victor Haven, Parole, and Wilshire have somewhat higher crime rates due to population density, including property and violent crimes.

Law Enforcement in Annapolis, MD

The Annapolis Police Department (APD) serves as the full-time law enforcement agency, planning and implementing measures to decrease crime rates. They have taken steps in recent years to improve the security of the city, making living in Annapolis, MD safe. Moreover, the strategies caused the violent crime rates to decrease by a certain percentage. By building strong ties in residents and law departments, the agency works to control the crime rates in more dangerous areas. To boot, the use of advanced technology and security equipment has allowed the APD to respond quickly and prevent crimes.

Public Outreach Programs and Awareness

Various community services and outreach programs spread awareness among residents to make living in Annapolis, MD safe. It includes Business Watch, Neighborhood Watch, National Night Out, and many active neighborhood associations that involve residents to work for community’s safety. They work closely with APD to promote awareness and control crimes.

Safety in Schools and Public Areas

Raising kids in Annapolis is one of the most important concerns of families planning to shift to Annapolis. Schools have upgraded their security standards to keep students and staff safe, planning strategies to create an atmosphere for safe learning. On top of it, APD places School Resource Officers to maintain law enforcement and handles security issues in Schools. Furthermore, the high alert response to high crowded public areas by installing cameras is a great step to reduce the crime rates in the city, allowing people to enjoy public events and gatherings.

Medical Services and Clinical Support

When it comes to relocating or visiting a new city, one of the significant things to consider is the medical and clinical services. Annapolis has various highly-maintained and well-equipped medical centers and hospitals, offering emergency care. The highly active response time and medical services enhance the lifestyle and overall security of residents.

Storm and Flood Preventions

Every city faces challenges of storm and flood due to abrupt weather fluctuations, leading to high alerts and disturbance. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in Annapolis monitors the flood management projects, weather alerts, drainage system, and placing flood barriers. Besides, various emergency notifications are allocated to more vulnerable areas and different strategies are implemented to control the situation.


Moving to any city has its benefits and drawbacks, as crime rates vary across different areas. Living in Annapolis, MD offers a diverse lifestyle experience with a mixture of plus and negative points. Along with enjoying the vibrant historic scene, culinary delights, and waterfront views, residents face challenges because of fluctuating crime rates. In short, the community’s engagement to practice law-infusing policies makes Annapolis relatively a safe place to live compared to its neighbor cities, like Baltimore. So, if you are planning to shift in Annapolis with your family, make sure to get an extensive overview of safe neighborhoods in Annapolis where crime rates are low. 

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